I have successfully registered TEAE International as a DBA for Tigers East / Alpines East. Supporting documentation attached below.
Todd Reid, Treasurer, TEAE
Additional 501 (c) 3 answers from a professional in the field
Supporting information regarding becoming or adding a 501(c)3 organization:
From the report available below
Note also that audit costs generally begin at around $5,000 annually for small organizations.
This would be in addition to the $15,000 compliance costs referenced above.
It is my recommendation that if you’re not looking at a minimum of $100,000 in real dollars contributed annually, this will not pay off appropriately for the organization.
Additional information about requirements for compliance with the rules for 501(c)3 organizations from Lawyers for NonProfits.
IRS Tax Exempt Status: 2012
Moving the TEAE Bank Account
The Board of Directors of TEAE approved the move of our Wells Fargo bank account # 6100708459 from the Alexandria, VA branch to M&T Bank.
Also approved the removal of James Lindner (Past President) and Steve Murphy (Past Treasurer) from the account and the addition of Todd Reid (current Treasurer) and Kathryn McConlogue (current President) to the account.
Contact information for all are below.
Todd Reid
331 Old Bailey Lane
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 730-6697
Kathryn McConlogue
820 Fishing Creek Valley Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(443) 255-3401
Jim Lindner
1832 Duffield Ln
Alexandria, VA 22307
(703) 329-1763
Steven Murphy
4005 Harris Place
Alexandria, VA 22304
(703) 499-4886
Submitted by
Barbara Blue
TEAE Annual General Meeting: 2024
15 August 2024
President Jim Lindner called the meeting to order at 6:45pm.
Approximately 55 members were present.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of Annual General Membership meeting held 23 September 2023 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
In summary the club is in a good position financially with a profit for each of the past few years. The membership dues only cover the cost of publishing and distributing the newsletter, so it is important that the yearly United generates additional income.
Membership Report
The Club currently has 525 memberships. The payment processing service Stripe is now being used instead of PayPal – their rates are better.
Webmaster Report
To reduce the mailing costs for the Rootes Review newsletter there was some consideration given to mailing the printed version only every two months, but the Board ultimately decided not to do this.
Kerch is looking for members to provide unique content for future newsletters. ‘How I Got Involved in Rootes Cars’, ‘Rootes on The Road’, and ‘My Other Classic Car(s)’ are topics of interest. She thanked the Regional Representatives for their regular articles.
Jim noted the posts and responses on the website Forum have recently increased, and expressed his appreciation for member’s participation.
Facebook Report
The Club Facebook page has almost 2,000 members worldwide, and Club members contributions are greatly appreciated. Many users are not club members although Jim regularly requests people join the Club. The August 2024 Rootes Review will be posted there to provide more insight into Club activities.
3 Year Plan
Only three items remain to be completed on the 3 Year Plan initiative.
- The first item is Bylaw revisions – to create two more Director positions for a total of nine, and to create a Procedures Manual on ‘how to do things’ which will be separate from the Club Bylaws which will define ‘what needs to be done’. A motion made and seconded to accept the revised bylaws. It was unanimously approved.
- The second item is revisions to management of the TAC Program – this remains to be done.
- The third item is Club Regalia and finding a service provider to manage it for the Club. Kerch has investigated Redbubble with whom she has had some good experiences, and will continue to pursue this initiative.
2024 Elections
There have been numerous nominations for the Director positions and there are nominations for the Treasurer position, but there are none for the President nor Vice President positions. Jim called for nominations from the floor but none were made. Nominations will remain open until 1 November 2024.
Jim reiterated to the audience of the importance of the President position, and stated how much he enjoyed being President and being the face of the Club. It also provides an opportunity to set the strategic direction of the Club and start new initiatives in support of that direction. He highly encouraged someone to take it on, supported by five other past presidents who were in attendance.
United 42
The Board has approved Charlotte, North Carolina as the location for United 42, to take place 18-21 September 2025. The Embassy Suites hotel will be the venue, and there are lots of interesting local attractions to visit. Planning is underway.
Planning continues for the next SUNI event in 2026.
Rootes Archive Donation
Donations will be solicited at the banquet and a check sent to The Rootes Archive from TEAE.
The Board is looking into purchasing banners incorporating the new Club logo.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Respectfully submitted
Gary Corbett
TEAE Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes and Supporting Documentation: July 25, 2024
Download the slides here Or view them on line below
Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner at 7:00pm.
In Attendance:
Jim Lindner – President, Steve Murphy – Treasurer, Gary Corbett – Secretary
Board of Directors: Tom Calvert, Tom Erhart, Barb Geschke, Eric Gibeaut, Joe McConlogue, Joe Parlanti, Dave Reina
Others: Bill Bulpitt , David Kellogg , Kerch McConlogue , Joe Montecalvo
Minutes of Previous BoD Meeting 2 March 2024 – Approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Slide 5)
Income includes income from registration fees received for United 41 but only some expenses. Report approved.
Membership Report (Slide 7)
Membership is steady at 521. Incorrect e-mail addresses for some members need to be investigated.
Action Item – David Kellogg to assist Joe McConlogue in resolving issue of incorrect email addresses for some members.
Website/Editor’s Report
Rootes Review – Mailing costs summarized (Slide 9). In support of voting for Board positions candidate’s biographies will be published in a Rootes Review later this Fall. Kerch will provide a link where candidates can provide their information, which will be limited to 50 words.
Action Item – Kerch to provide a link to potential Board candidates to provide their biographical information.
Facebook – Activity is steady, and ‘Reactions’ are positive (Slide 11).
Website Visits – Activity summarized (Slide 12).
3 Year Business Plan
Bylaw Amendments (Slide 16) – Require approval by general membership at Annual General Meeting.
TAC Program Improvements (Slide 16) – No recent activity. Tom Calvert is organizing TAC inspections at United this year.
Action Item – Kerch to identify to Tom people who have requested in their event registration a TAC inspection at United.
Regalia Supplier (Slide 17) – Kerch is continuing to investigate. Eric suggested a potential source, someone who will be at United this year.
2024 Elections (Slide 24)
The following summarizes the positions up for election and potential candidates:
President and Vice President – No candidates identified although Jim has been discussing the opportunities with several people.
Treasurer – Steve Murphy (Incumbent), Todd Reid (identified by Tiger Tom).
Secretary – Gary Corbett (Incumbent), Barbara Blue (identified by Joe McConlogue).
- Incumbents: Tom Calvert, Tom Erhart, Eric Gibeaut
- Additional: Gord Foss and Gilles Boudrias (identified by Jim Lindner), Clyde McLaughlin and David Hall (identified by Joe McConlogue), Rick McCurdy (identified by David Kellog), Rod Patriquin (identified by Gary Corbett), Jim Lindner (self-identified)
A motion was made and seconded to nominate all nominees – carried.
United 41 (Slide 19)
The availability of the ‘Tiger 60’ documentary has been confirmed. The Saturday evening speaker has backed out due to a medical issue, but Jim feels screening the film will require the whole evening.
United 42 (Slides 20&21)
Jim has scouted out a location in Charlotte, NC for United 42 in 2025 and highly recommends it be pursued. Draft budget reviewed. A motion was made and carried to approve this location for United 42. Jim has draft contract documents and will finalize them with the hotel.
Action Item – Jim to finalize contracts for United 42.
Car Donation (Slide 22)
Preliminary investigations into the potential legal issues of the Club accepting a car as a donation have not highlighted any significant roadblocks. Tom Erhart warned there might be issues at a detail level – for example Pennsylvania has specific rules about financial transactions related to gambling-type activities that other states might have too. This could affect us if we attempted to auction or raffle the car to reap the financial benefit. David Kellogg is continuing to investigate.
SUNI VIII Update (Slide 23)
– No recent progress. Location is likely to be in Missouri.
Rootes Archive Donation (Slide 24)
After a short discussion it was decided to wait until after United 41 to make a decision on a donation for 2024.
Lord Rootes Individual Awards (Slide 24)
Jim organized the production of keeper plaques and badges for the awards for the recipients for the past 2 years. A motion was made and carried to pay Jim for his out-of-pocket expenses of $212 to accomplish this.
There was some discussion about how to manage the engraving of keeper plaques and producing and installing the yearly plates on the main trophies (recently the recipients have done this themselves). No approach was chosen, but Joe McConlogue suggested whatever procedure was implemented should be documented in the Procedures Manual.
New Banners (Slide 25)
There was some discussion about acquiring new banners with the new TEAE International logo, but it was ultimately decided to keep this in mind for action sometime in the future. Tom Erhart has a couple prototype banners that were made – he will send them to Robert Jaarsma for use at United 41.
Action Item – Tom Erhart to forward TEAE International banners to Robert Jaarsma.
Hilton Rewards
Jim stated the United 42 hotel will be offering reward points for the rooms booked and paid for by the Club, and asked if he could personally accept these points. All agreed he could.
Special Appreciation
Bill Bulpitt stated how appreciative he was of all of Jim’s efforts in support of the Club over the past several years, in particular the work involved in organizing recent Uniteds. Everyone was in agreement – thanks very much Jim!
Meeting Adjournment – 8:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gary Corbett
TEAE Secretary
Recent United Attendance
Based on registration only
I don’t have details statistics back very far
Location | People reg | Registrations | Total cars | Concour cars | |
2016 | Georgia | 136 | |||
2017 | Staunton | 143 | |||
2018 | NY | 93 | |||
2019 | WI | 69 | |||
2020 | canceled | ||||
2021 | SUNI | ||||
2022 | Canada | 93 | 54 | 45 | 35 |
2023 | KY | 139 | 84 | 63 | 48 |
Board Meeting Minutes and Supporting Documentation: March 2, 2024
Download the slides here or view the pdf below.
Supporting documentation
AI: Action Item
Agenda: Welcome, Roll Call, Reports, Old Business, New Business, Adjourn
Mtg started @ 1:06 EST
In Attendance: All Board members except Eric Gibeaut, he joined a few minutes later.
Also in attendance: Robert Jaarsma, Tom Hillman, Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Kerch McConlogue, Robert Harter, Jim Lindner, David Reina, Steve Murphy, Bill Pulpitt, Joe Parlanti, Joe Montecalvo, Ron Stein, Barb Geschke, David Kellogg
Treasurer’s Report
1st Slide showed correction of 5 year summary numbers – concurred
2nd Slide showed balance sheet for CY23 – $7K from United offset newsletter costs, hard to track pennies due to fees
Membership Report
1st Slide showed net loss of 8 members to 521
2nd Slide Joe getting help from Mike Hartman; intervention still required to get funds
Question: How much time spent? Full day at end of month plus hour per day
Website/Editor’s Report
1st Slide showed monthly cost per issue per page. Discussion on frequency from monthly to every other month. Kerch stated that it was more work to publish every other month. Tangible vs. Untangible – Keep the content, higher percentage still prefer printed, monthly for people that don’t attend the events
Motion: Leave newsletter at frequency of Monthly – Approved
2nd Slide showed Facebook facts. Active participation.
3rd Slide showed Website facts. Key take away was that new people need to be infused into the process.
Old Business
3 Yr Business Plan Committee
1st Slide showed approval of the formulation of the 3YBP including: Mission, Objectives, & Process
2nd Slide showed the Board approved recommendations for action
3rd Slide discussed the 1st recommendation: Forum/Facebook. Action complete with continued maintenance as the follow-on
4th Slide discussed the next recommendations: Revision of legacy award criteria, Revision of bylaws, and TAC program improvements.
The Swift and Porter awards apply to AutoX for Tigers & Alpines only due to the intent of the people that originated them. Other driving events makes it vague enough to include rallies, etc
Motion: Accept changes to “other competitive driving event” based on if no AutoXs are available – Approved
There was much discussion about the bylaws and procedures
AI: Review Draft Procedures Manual during next 60 days and send comments to Joe McConlogue
Motion: Accept draft changes to bylaws, including the increase the number of Board members to 9 – Approved
There was much discussion on the TAC vs. Tiger sales and what TAC has become. Any updates to the program must be brought before the TAC Coordinator by the senior inspectors – Tom C. and Bill P.
5th & 6th Slide discussed Regalia and Kerch looked into a few sites and found Redbubble.com to match most of the needs and there is a kickback to the club. Only disadvantage was no embroidery. There were comments that a few sources were already obtained to get embroidered items separately from other United vendors.
7th Slide discussed: Production of technical videos – closed due to no volunteers, Expansion & promotion of BASH concept by regions – continue to promote BASH, and Expansion of membership west of the MS river – continue western participation.
8th Slide showed revision of club logo that introduces the whole Rootes family concept.
Motion: Approve the new club logo and fees for graphic designer – Approved
9th Slide showed status of action to investigate qualifying for 501c(3) status – recommend close
United 41 Update
1st Slide showed United location and dates including hotel and registration fees
2nd Slide showed planned activities during the United
3rd Slide showed current budget estimates with expected profit of approx. $4K
New Business
1st Slide brought up the topic of 2024 elections and how are behind with candidates.
AI: David Kellogg to compile the names that members pulled together from the roster within the next 30 days and within 90 days get answers from all positions and all reps of any elected position
2nd Slide brought up car donation to TEAE.
AI: David Kellogg to check with lawyer automotive enthusiast friend: Can we as 501c7 club own it? How do we own car legally?
3rd Slide brought up United 42 (2025) and to try an event west of the MS river. Discussion led to try to get a volunteer from TX or CO, need to do soonest
4th Slide brought up SUNI (2026) and main discussion was the details surrounding the account that is banking the SUNIs. CAT runs it, we reap the profits
Motion: Do we join w/CAT? Same participation as last time – Approved
Additional Reports as Required
Motion: Adjourn – Approved
Mtg ended @ 3:57, elapsed time of 2 hrs 51 mins
Submitted by Rob Harter, Vice President
Additional supporting documentation
Bylaw and Procedures 2024 drafts
These changes were approved by the Membership at the Annual Meeting on August 16, 2024
One of the action items from the 3-Year Planning Committee was to update the club bylaws and to extract items which could be better handled in a Policies and Procedures manual.
Revisions to the bylaws must be approved by vote of the membership.
But Procedures, such as how late membership renewals and other housekeeping activities are handled, do not require membership vote, only approval of the board. It is intended that this written document will help in transition of new leadership.
In support of this project and in preparation for the meeting, please review the three documents below:
- Summary of Changes to the Bylaws. (This is easier to digest)
- Revised Bylaws
- Draft Procedures Manual. This is very much a work in progress and will require input from several others in the leadership of the club.