January 2006 United Meeting Update

Date posted here does not necessarily match the date minutes were submitted.

January 23, 2006 at 1:04 am
Curt & Linda Hoffman

Steering Team notes January 21, 2006

Great turnout for the meeting. I am including the contact list and responsibility list again for reference. Please let me know if there are any errors.

Status of United:
Hotel is booked
Riverboat contract is in hand and will be signed once budget is forwarded. Boat will include buffet dinner and will run approximately $35/person prior to any addl charge we might include for the club
Logo is set
Permits are in hand and will be submitted for parks and street

New business
We agreed to have a three option dinner versus a buffet. We will have a prime rib, chicken and pasta dish available. Cash bar will be provided. Costs are approximately #30/ person before 20% service charge and taxes. I will determine where the hotel will allow us to split off a children’s menu for our pricing.
We will need to arrange for podium, microphone and other supplies. Curt will see what we can get from the hotel before seeking donations from others. We will not have a reception before hand.

Dave Tiettmeyer and Dave Cherry own Concourse. Bob Sharkey has offered to coordinate judging and help with overall process. DaveTiettmeyer was asked to contact Bob to coordinate the activities and prework. I will send contact information to Dave and Dave’s information to Bob.
George and I are working the concours lunch so will have that detail not included in the work Dave will need to complete.

Parts Room- Ron Seeholzer will coordinate and work up space requirements and layout. He will work with Bill on determining the best tables to use, e.g. rectangle of round. I believe the hotel could do either but they will discuss with hotel. I will place a request in the newsletter and forum asking people interested in parts space to contact Ron for needs. We agreed to restrict space to reasonable sized and relatively clean parts. Very large and or very greasy parts will need to remain in garage and can be shown separately. Ron will coordinate with Bill Kaufman the split of space with hospitality, hour requirements, when to close independently, etc.

We agreed to do a damage assessment ahead of the opening of the parts area so we had a benchmark in case there was any damage due to parts that the hotel might want us to be responsible for.

Hospitality- Bill Kaufman coordinating- Bill will budget to approximately $15 per person based on previous Uniteds. We discussed likely hours, menu items, etc. I will discuss coffee maker with hotel but likely we will have hospitality look to borrow makers and go with that. In addition we will need coolers for the beer, soda, etc. The room has a wet bar so water shouldn’t be a problem. Bill will contact hotel for ice location. We agreed to not, at least at this point, install a VCR / TV. Didn’t seem to be much interest in that lately.

Thursday Evening. Curt will continue to pursue possibility of group dinner on Thursday evening but try to either run it separately or informally to avoid complexity. Worst case we will include on registration as separate unbudgeted item if we can get a fixed price from the restaurant.

Directions and such. I will get maps and such from the Northern KY Visitor’s Bureau. Mike will also include notations on where everything is and how to get there in the in the registration booklet.

Publicity- I will continue to send in newsletter items. We are now on the web site as well. Today I sent a note to the Tiger list. Mike will coordinate notifying the Alpine group. I will send Mike the note I used with the Tiger list and plan to use with CAT and STOA. I will also drop a small ad, hopefully free, in as many places as I can find as we get closer including Hemmings, Classic Car and others.

Registration- Mike is coordinating with Jack Sawyer. We discussed methods of identifying who has signed up for what, name tags, split of costs etc. I will provide the ultimate costs, once established to Registration for building the form. The registration fee will include all costs not separately signed up for, e.g. the boat cruise, and some allowance for the club. We agreed to have a daily fee for those coming in who only want parts and hospitality. This will likely be around $10. Last minute registrations will likely not be accommodated for the boat or the banquet due to the need to give longer notice to both on final numbers.

Autocross- Doug is still working this item. He and Hugh discussed and will continue to work to line up a group for our Sunday. We will need the cost for this event as well for our registration form.

Rally- Dave Cherry is coordinating. I drove the Augusta route we discussed last time. It is about 40 miles. If we do this route we will likely need to get out of the main area before heading East since it is a little busy getting through Newport, but doable. If we do this people would be left in Augusta and have the option to come back the same way or take the ferry over to Ohio and come back on the north side of the river. We would have to supply directions for this. Dave was not at the meeting but he had mentioned he had some other ideas for a rally so we will leave this to Dave to finalize. I will contact Dave later to ensure he is ok with this.

Security- given we have a locked garage we are not planning on security at this time. We will establish a lock up time for the garage that everyone using will need to honor. Likely we will do something like lock up at 11:00 and open up at 7:00 or similar.

We did agree the Concours group may have to look at a volunteer team to patrol the cars to protect them given we will be along a public street and could have families walking around unfamiliar with collector cars protocol.

Trophies – I am working this and received some ideas from George. I also have the other United info and some local places as well. I will visit a couple before deciding. We agreed to go with etched plaques containing our logo for our trophies matching our dash plaques. We will make the first place slightly larger then the 2nd and 3rd.

Shirts – I am working this area. For shirts we agreed to go with a polo shirt with a small logo on the front “pocket” area. The shirt may not actually have a pocket. We will go with a colored shirt versus white.

TAC process- I discussed with Tom Calvert and he is prepared to do TAC sessions at the united. I will solicit interest ahead of time through the newsletter so we have an idea of the number.

Car Wash- I will buy the supplies for this small item

Tech Sessions- we have the dyno session at Paul’s on Friday PM. Hugh is coordinating. Mike will discuss with Ian and others to see if there would be an Alpine or other session that could be put on at the same time since the dyno session would be likely of more interest to the tiger folks. I will also solicit input from the club on a general interest one for Sunday. We will not conduct one on Saturday due to the likelihood of MainStrasse being popular enough that we wouldn’t get people back in for a session. There wasn’t much interest in donating a top to Curt and having someone install it on his car as a tech session.

I will continue to work through email and we will likely set up another live meeting is a few months to ensure we are on track.

Other volunteers- For those not specifically assigned as an owner of an area, our hospitality area and registration area will need a good deal of help, particularly as we get into registration and the actual event. Please forward your name to Ron or Bill if you would like to help there.

Thanks for coming and helping with the work.


Area of Responsibility Leader

Overall United Coordination Curt Hoffman
Budget Curt Hoffman
Publicity Curt Hoffman
Accommodations George Meinhardt
Concourse Location George Meinhardt
Autocross Doug Jennings
Design and purchase
Classes and numbers
George Meinhardt
Doug Jennings
United on-site registration
Mike Phillips / Jack & Jan Sawyer
Logo George Meinhardt / Curt Hoffman
T shirts, Dash Plaques (numbers to order with our logo) George Meinhardt / Curt Hoffman
Awards Banquet agenda Curt Hoffman
General and Board meetings Curt Hoffman
Concours Dave Tiettmeyer / Dave Cherry
Tech Sessions Hugh Guynes
Special Event (rally, etc) Dave Cherry
George Meinhardt / Curt Hoffman to help
Saturday special event George Meinhardt / Curt Hoffman
Hospitality William Kaufman
Parts Room Ron Seeholzer
Security None
Trinkets and Trash None

January 23, 2006 at 3:40 pm
Fred Baum

Wow, you certainly have your ducks in a row! ?