General Membership Meeting: July 2015

Dayton, OH
July 31, 2015

Opening Matters

President Pam Jeffers called the annual meeting of the Tigers East/Alpines East (TEAE) to order at 7:00 p.m. President Jeffers then introduced the Board of Directors (BoD), club officers, and regional representatives present.

Secretary James Lindner read the minutes from the 2014 General Membership Meeting. No changes to the minutes were made and the minutes were accepted as read.

Treasurer Report: Treasurer Barb Geshke reported the club currently has a balance of $30,498.63 as of July 30, 2015. The amount is higher than normal because of United XXXIV funds deposited and expenses yet to be paid. The average balance is $14-15,000.

Membership Report: Joe McConlogue provided the following membership information: Total Membership: 518.  All new and current members were urged to submit current email addresses. Chairman McConlogue briefly discussed current efforts to improve the Member’s Section of the website by creating pages for individual members, which the member could customize.

Webmaster Report: Kerch McConlogue reported all tech articles from Sunbeam Survivor have been posted to the online Survivor Manual. In addition, volunteers identified additional articles from the old Rootes Reviews and another set of volunteers are editing the articles to clean up format readability. They will be posted online as they are completed. Chairman McConlogue advised the membership that if a member wants to list an event on the website, they just need to fill out the form on the website and the event will be listed on the website and newsletter.

Forum Report: Eric Smyder reported no significant changes to the forum. He did report on discussions with Webmaster McConlogue about possibly upgrading the forum to a PHP Bulletin Board type system. A recommendation was made to identify and list individual points of contact (POC) for specific technical and administrative issues.

Rootes Review Editor Report: Tod Brown reported he is trying to maintain a set schedule for publication of the Rootes Review, but added this is often difficult do to a lack of material. He pointed out the combined Feb/Mar issue as an example. He solicited the membership for their help by submitting material for publication. Submit articles and photos in Microsoft and jpeg formats, respectively. Classified advertisements submitted by members for publication in the Rootes Review will run for three (3) months.

Publicity: Robert Jaarsma reported the update to the United Planning Manual is complete and it is now available on the website and is password protected. Kerch McConlogue added that British Marque Magazine is currently publishing our events and subscriptions to the magazine are available to members at a reduced rate.

Regalia: Eric Gibeaut reported the online site ( for regalia sales is now operational.  Examples of the logos are available in the hospitality room. An article about the online sales will be forthcoming in the Rootes Review. Items and links are available online at

Old Business

Archived TEAE Newsletters: Jennifer Arters has completed converting TEAE newsletters into searchable pdf files using special software acquired last year. The converted newsletters are dated from the creation of TEAE to about 2002. ALL TEAE Newsletters are available in the Members Only Section. These newsletters are searchable within an individual issue.

Rootes Archive Center: The BOD has approved to continue an annual $250.00 donation to this worthwhile effort.

Future Uniteds:

United XXXV: Bill Bulpitt reported next year’s United will be in Atlanta and tentatively scheduled for mid-September. Similar to this year, consideration is being given to linking the United with an existing show—The Fall British Auto Fayre. Suitable hotels are available nearby. A local Tiger owner and SCCA member has volunteered to identify a suitable venue and manage the autocross. A formal proposal will be submitted by November.

United XXXVI: The Virginias Region is being considered as the host for this United. Regional Representative Russ Eshelman will evaluate options and provide feedback soon.

United XXXVII: The North

United XXXVIII: Midwest or possibly SUNI VII.

New Business:

Sunbeam Survivor Manual is now scanned and online on the TE/AE website in searchable format.

Club Roster: President Jeffers encouraged all members to use the electronic version of the roster. A printed version of the roster will continue to be available and a new edition will be published by the end of the year. Please submit any changes ASAP.

2016 Officer and Board of Director Nominations

President: Pam Jeffers

V-President: John Logan Jr.

Secretary: Jim Linder

Treasurer: Barb Geschke

Board of Directors: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, and Eric Gibeaut

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Submitted: Jim Lindner, Secretary

Date posted here does not necessarily match the date minutes were submitted.

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