This is three pages long. It was produced to seperate the bylaws from the Articles
Month: September 2016
General Membership Meeting: September 2016
Norcross, GA
September 10, 2016
Opening Matters
President Pam Jeffers called the annual General Membership Meeting of Tigers East/Alpines East (TEAE) to order at 2:50 p.m. President Jeffers then introduced the Board of Directors (BoD), club officers, and regional representatives present.
Secretary James Lindner read the minutes from the 2015 General Membership Meeting. No changes to the minutes were made and the minutes were accepted as read.
Treasurer Report: Treasurer Barb Geshke reported financial reports are published in the Rootes Review quarterly. At the end of 2015 the club had a balance of $22,715.16. At the end of August the club’s balance was $38,244.94. This amount is higher than normal because of United XXXIV funds deposited and expenses yet to be paid. Overall, the club is very solvent and this year’s United should at least break even.
Membership Report: Chairperson Joe McConlogue provided the following membership information: Total Membership is about 500. All new and current members were urged to submit current email addresses. Chairman McConlogue briefly discussed current efforts to improve the Member’s Section of the website by creating pages for individual members, which the member could customize. He is hoping to achieve this goal late this year.
Webmaster Report: Chairperson Kerch McConlogue reminded the members about the calendar available on the website. If a member wants to list an event on the website, they just need to fill out the form on the website and the event will be listed on the website and newsletter. Chairperson McConlogue also discussed the RSS feed link on the website. If you sign up you will receive an email notifying you of new content. Simply go to TEAE/getnews and click on the link to Get Updates. When you receive the confirmation email you must respond to it as directed.
Forum Report: No report—Chairperson Eric Smyder was not present.
Rootes Review Editor Report: No report—Editor Tod Brown was not present. President Jeffers advised that the club is seeking a new editor and asked that anybody interested in becoming editor should contact her.
Publicity: Chairperson Robert Jaarsma had nothing significant to report. President Jeffers reported that Brad Phillips will assume the duties as Publicity Chairperson.
Regalia: Eric Gibeaut reported that all products available online through the site are posted on the forum and online at Currently, the club is working a deal for fleece jackets that will be available in time for Christmas.
Old Business
Sunbeam Survivor Manual is now scanned and online on the TE/AE website in searchable format.
Rootes Archive Center (RAC): The BOD has approved to continue an annual donation to this worthwhile effort. Last year the club donated $250.00. This year the BOD will review our budget and possibly increase the donation to $500.00. In January 2016 the club donated an additional $750.00 to the RAC Building Fund. President Jeffers advised that individual donations to the RAC are also possible and members should see the RAC website for additional information.
Future Uniteds:
United XXXVI: Jim Lindner reported next year’s United will be in Staunton, VA and tentatively scheduled for 21-24 September 2017. The Holiday inn in Staunton is being strongly considered as the host hotel. The concours will likely be held in one of the many local parks and the autocross event will run as part of an event conducted by the SCCS Blue Ridge Region. A formal proposal was submitted to the BOD and this plan had been approved.
At this time the members were asked if they prefer t-shirts or golf shirts for next year’s United. Golf shirts were preferred by a small margin. After some additional discussion it was announced both t-shirts and golf shirts will be available next year.
The members were also asked if they would prefer future Uniteds to be a midweek event. The majority of members present prefer a weekend event.
United XXXVII: The North: Initial planning efforts are focused in the New England area
United XXXVIII: The Midwest or possibly SUNI VII.
Club Roster: The new roster has been published and is available on the website in the members section. Twenty-five members received hard-copy and were include in the United Registration packet. If members have any questions about the roster please let the club know.
New Business:
Adoption of Revised Bylaws: President Jeffers announced that the BOD had approved to revise the club’s bylaws and that such a revision required a vote by the membership on two issues: separate the Bylaws from the AOI; and approve the amended Bylaws. A copy of the changes was provided to each member in advance as part of their Registration packet. Kerch McConlogue explained to the membership the reason for the change and the key provisions of the change. Kerch explained that originally the Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation (AOI) had been written as a single document, requiring a change to the AOI and notification to the State of Virginia whenever the Bylaws were changed—something that has not been done. This revision separates the two documents in addition to four other key changes.
- Authorizes the Board of Directors to set and collect dues.
- Authorizes the Newsletter editor to produce and distribute a newsletter.
- Identifies the role of the treasurer in the production and distribution of the newsletter.
- Changes the voting process whereby the Membership Chairman (vice the Secretary) collects and tallies the votes and ensures the results are published in the newsletter.
At this point President Jeffers asked if there was a motion to separate the club’s Bylaws from the AOI. Gary Holman so moved and Robert Jaarsma seconded the motion. The motion to separate the AOI from the Bylaws was approved.
President Jeffers asked if there was a motion to approve the amended bylaws. Sy Block so moved and Gary Holman seconded the motion. The motion to accept the amended bylaws passed.
2016 Officer and Board of Director Nominations
- President: Joe Parlanti
- Vice-President: James Lindner
- Secretary: Jackie Parlanti
- Treasurer: Barb Geschke (4th and final year)
Board of Directors: Dave Reina and Judy Sharkey have agreed to run again. Sy Block and Bill Bullpit are new nominations that have also agreed to run. In the election we will vote in three of these four.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jean Webb and seconded by Rainey Dohogne. The meeting was adjourned at 3:28 PM.
Jim Lindner, Secretary
Date posted here does not necessarily match the date minutes were submitted.
Articles of Incorporation Update
TEAE on Facebook
The club has just created a Facebook page. You can find it at
The name of the page is Tigers East/Alpines East and it is an open group so anyone can join the group and post.
See you all on Facebook.
Jim Lindner
An easier link: