Month: February 2022
Minutes of Semi Annual Board Meeting: February 12, 2022
Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on February 12, at 2:07pm
Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke, Eric Gibeaut, Dave Reina
Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, Secretary Kerch McConlogue, Treasurer Rob Harter
Regional Reps present: Gary Corbett, Tom Hillmann, Ron Stein, Joe Parlanti, Rob Roy, Joe Parlanti, Bill Bulpitt
Download or view the powerpoint file here
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as shown (slide 5)
We need to book an additional $2600/year (above the membership income) to keep the club in the black. Essentially this is expected to come annually from the United
SUNI event profit to the club is $3699.89
Membership Report
As of February 1, membership stands at 519.
Additional statistics are available in the slides (#8-11)
A discussion around the costs of processing payments with PayPal vs. Stripe: Paypal has a slightly higher fee: 3.49% + $.49/transaction. Stripe is just 2.9% + $0.30/transaction. There are similar fees for international/cross-country and currency transfers.
Membership Transfer Proposal
In order to not lose members when a car changes hands, Membership institutes a TEAE Membership Transfer form. The new owner will get the rest of the old member’s membership period.
RootesReview/website report (#14-18)
Statistics for RootesReview, Facebook and Website visitation are available in the slides.
No progress on advertising. One new business card ad was added and two are lost.
Some trouble has been reported regarding images lost from the website database. Most seem to be images that were in galleries of members’ cars and not other articles. Kerch says she’s not going to continue to look for those old images.
Old Business
United 39 update
The event budget is available in a spread sheet here
Refer to slide 21-22 for information
The budget (separate document) was presented and discussed.
Single day fees and international payments seem to still be worked out.
The United committee is working on finding a location for the Autocross.
The registration fee appears to be $225cdn (approx. $175us) for a single, and $425cdn (approx.. $330us) for a couple. Daily fees should take into account all associated costs.
Tom Calvert reported on the plan to hold a TAC inspector training session on the Tuesday before the United and then the majority of the TAC inspections on Wednesday (outside of the regular United event). The inspections will take place at Gordon Foss’s facility. Tom hopes to have at least two inspection teams.
New Business
Options for Insurance were presented: Current J.C. Taylor (annually $1183), Hagerty (more expensive that Taylor) and American Specialty Ins, Ft. Wayne, IN (covering 30+ member clubs as part of an umbrella association) Base annual fee is $565. Additional “moving event” (autocross and driving tour) coverage is required. This is quoted at $200/per event. It is expected that an organized group tour is a driving event. But a “let’s all meet here for lunch” is probably not a driving event.
It was moved, seconded and passed to change insurance coverage to American Specialty. Jim Lindner will get the new plan in place. Rob Harter will contact JC Taylor to cancel the existing coverage.
Regions sponsoring driving events (like the BASHs which include a rally) would require a rider. It was suggested that if regions have a driving event and have not in the past charged money, this would be a way to encourage collecting fees to cover the insurance and additional event expenses..
Officer Replacements
Kevin Klotzbach of Woodbury, MN was approved as Midwest Regional Rep to replace Joel Griffin.
We need to begin work to find other officer candidates, especially as Rob Harter’s term was extended by previous board action.
Concours Judging Procedures
It was moved, seconded and approved to change the number of judges per team to three. This will reduce the number of judges required. One team will judge the entire car entire class.
It was moved, seconded and approved to eliminate the Suspension and Chassis (underside) as judging component for Personalized and Modified classes. Stock class will still require underside inspection.
Jim Lindner will write up the specifics of this proposal which will be added to these minutes.
Donation to Rootes Archive
It was moved, seconded and approved that TEAE will make no donation to the Rootes Archive Trust at this time. We will provide a donation by the end of the year depending on the club’s financial position.
In discussion, it was suggested that a) the club “gets credit” for donations gathered by Roger Plaskett at the United and b) we might find some way to encourage members to make personal donations to the organization.
United 40 location
It is suggested that we return to the deep south this year. (slide 30) Gary Holman had expressed some interest in going to the Tampa region (although he was no longer at the meeting when that was reported.) Tom Ehrhart suggested we go to Texas. Rob Roy, Texas Regional Rep is willing to do some research into locations and other people who might be willing to work on that project.
Club Banners
Joe McConlogue asked about supplying TEAE club banners to all the regions. As this would be an expense for the club, consensus seemed to be that one new banner could be on hand to send to any region sponsoring an event where a banner would be useful. Another banner could be purchased at that time to send to the next region requesting one. Currently Jim Linder has a banner but is not a Regional Rep. His could be the first to be sent.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue