This is a draft of the Regional Rep Responsiblities including links to other important content
Month: July 2023
3 Year Planning Committee Progress Report
Our president, Jim Linder, provided a progress update May 19, 2023 (attached) based on 3PC motions approved by the BOD and 3PC suggestions dated 21 Nov 2022. (attached). My comments below are intended to supplement Jim’s status report. I recognize those who accepted ownership of tasks in parentheses.
Please consider this a general summary of progress and an appeal to address action items. We will address at the upcoming BOD meeting (date TBD) . Please send an Email or call me with any comments before July 31’st so we can prepare for the BOD meetng.
Tom Ehrhart
3PC facilitator
1. Bylaws changes. (Joe and Kerch McConlogue)
A. Amend Article X & XIV
B. Draft a separate “Policy & Procedures” manual extracted from present bylaws.
Status: Joe reports progress is being made. A goal of upcoming United presentation for BOD approval is a target and the beginning process to amend the bylaws.
2. $5 Discount incentive for first year electronic membership.
Status: No new memberships benefited.
3. Facebook/Forum ( ? )
Status: There is progress thanks to changes and increased attention by several individuals. We should recognize them, but honestly, I am not sure who all to recognize. We know Kerch and Joe McConlogue did a lot but so did Jim L. and I believe others.
Would someone please clarify all those who helped rejuvenated our FB and orum links. It appears these platforms may have plateaued based on present marque climate. We do have an obligation to keep them active and responsive.
4 Technical Committee for producing technical videos. .(Kevin Klotzbach)
Status: I am not aware of any produced. My notes indicate Kevin would be willing to oversee if others contributed. I am not aware of any. Do we need to “activate” this initiative, i.e. recruit owners/projects to video? Our 3PC suggestions recommend establishing addressing topics not yet done by others. Any suggestions?
5. Porter/Swift Legacy Awards (Tom Calvert)
Tom Ehrhart and Tom Calvert in process of drafting new metrics in time for BOD approval before ’23 United.
6. Expansion of TAC (Tom Calvert)
Tom reports there is some progress. Presently recruiting East coast/Canada Senior inspectors to expand coverage area. Nationalizing TAC is an on going political process . Tom C. with Bill Bulpitt are making some progress.
7. Regalia (Eric Gibeaut)
Status: No progress I am aware of. Jim Linder tried valiantly to broker a deal with a regalia provider wiling to sell items piecemeal. It was process and cost prohibitive.
8. 501(c) (3) (Tom Ehrhart)
Joe Montecalvo provided a general outline of process. . There is generally little support within our ranks to pursue. I’ll continue to explore justification. Coordination with impending bylaw changes compounds the challenges.
9. Club Logo (Jim Linder & Kerch leaders)
The BOD agreed to a logo change that emphasizes;
A. Our primary membership areas in North America,
B. Demphasizing ” East” by no longer referencing Tigers East and Alpines East in text but continuing use of TEAE letters.
C. Represents the Rootes Group vehicles
Kerch has done a great job rebranding us in print and the website. But we desperately need a logo that represents our new mission objective.
Jim Linder has produced some concepts to start the process. We need to establish a very small committee (4 or 5 MAX) to vet design concepts.
The committee should work with a graphics designer who can better translate our concepts into a simple functional logo. Our goal should be for BOD approval at or before the United 40.
10. BASH (All)
The BASH term is used as a promotional term to suggest Rootes/Sunbeams are encouraged to participate in an event. All Representatives and event organizers are encouraged to work with local organizers to promote our marque’s participation. I am pleased to report that this marketing approach is showing signs of success. Our Rootes Review articles regularly indicate use of the term to promote events.
11. Other Leadership initiatives.
A. Target Western Membership: Establishing Reps in these areas is paramount for success. Dave Renia’s periodic reminder for reports and Kerch’s proactive Rootes Review as shown good progress in this area.
B. United’s in Mid-West & West: A plan should be developed for a 2025 United West of the Mississippi.
C. Expand BOD: This will allow representation from the West and break a deadlock on “career” or “legacy” Board Members.
The following documents were distributed to the Board in advance of the November 21, 2022 Board Meeting. They were redistributed to the Board 7-3-2023 with the above report.
Other terms for search: 3-year, 3yr, three year, 3YPC