Club President Extended Term

TEAE Board Record of Discussion – Nominees for Club President for 2024

The situation of nominees for Club President for 2024 was raised by current President Jim Lindner, and was discussed through a series of e-mails between the TEAE Leadership. This Record of Discussion summarizes those discussions and decisions taken.

Jim Lindner initiated the discussion by stating that despite his best efforts he was unable to secure a nominee for the role of President for the forthcoming elections for the Club Board for 2024. These efforts included a call for nominations at the Club’s Annual General Meeting at United 40 attended by over 100 Club members, via the Rootes Review and directly approaching several individuals. Jim stated he would be willing to run and if successful serve for another year, but to do so would require approval by the board.

Eric Gibeaut made a motion for a ONE TIME extension of one year to the term limit for President, and the motion was seconded by Tom Calvert. This motion was approved unanimously by the Board.

Barbara Geschke then nominated Jim Lindner as a candidate for TEAE President, and it was seconded by Joe Parlanti. Jim accepted the nomination and his name will be added to the ballot for the elections for 2024.

Gary Corbett
TEAE Cub Secretary

One thought on “Club President Extended Term”

  1. I am thankful Jim stepped up to the plate for a “final” term. He has done a yeoman’s job leading the club.

    But there is a darker meaning to this. We are failing to recruit new leaders.

    Leaders never did just pop up on a ballot in the past. No one says I will be Prez. It requires the collaboration of others and a potential candidate. There was a concerted effort among board members past to do this at Uniteds. I am not aware that we did anything like this this year.

    To support a succesion plan for our present leader, I suggest the BOD recognize potential leaders throughout our next year. We collaborate at our ’24 United and take action to seek a willing nominee we believe can carry the banner for us into the future.


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