Board Meeting Minutes and Supporting Documentation: July 25, 2024

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Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner at 7:00pm.

In Attendance:

Jim Lindner – President, Steve Murphy – Treasurer, Gary Corbett – Secretary

Board of Directors: Tom Calvert, Tom Erhart, Barb Geschke, Eric Gibeaut, Joe McConlogue, Joe Parlanti, Dave Reina

Others: Bill Bulpitt , David Kellogg , Kerch McConlogue , Joe Montecalvo

Minutes of Previous BoD Meeting 2 March 2024 – Approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Slide 5)

 Income includes income from registration fees received for United 41 but only some expenses. Report approved.

Membership Report (Slide 7) 

Membership is steady at 521. Incorrect e-mail addresses for some members need to be investigated.

Action Item – David Kellogg to assist Joe McConlogue in resolving issue of incorrect email addresses for some members.

Website/Editor’s Report

Rootes Review – Mailing costs summarized (Slide 9). In support of voting for Board positions candidate’s biographies will be published in a Rootes Review later this Fall. Kerch will provide a link where candidates can provide their information, which will be limited to 50 words.

Action Item – Kerch to provide a link to potential Board candidates to provide their biographical information.

Facebook – Activity is steady, and ‘Reactions’ are positive (Slide 11).

Website Visits – Activity summarized (Slide 12).


3 Year Business Plan

Bylaw Amendments (Slide 16) – Require approval by general membership at Annual General Meeting.

TAC Program Improvements (Slide 16) – No recent activity. Tom Calvert is organizing TAC inspections at United this year.

Action Item – Kerch to identify to Tom people who have requested in their event registration a TAC inspection at United.

Regalia Supplier (Slide 17) – Kerch is continuing to investigate. Eric suggested a potential source, someone who will be at United this year.

2024 Elections (Slide 24)

The following summarizes the positions up for election and potential candidates:


President and Vice President – No candidates identified although Jim has been discussing the opportunities with several people.

Treasurer – Steve Murphy (Incumbent), Todd Reid (identified by Tiger Tom).

Secretary – Gary Corbett (Incumbent), Barbara Blue (identified by Joe McConlogue).


  • Incumbents: Tom Calvert, Tom Erhart, Eric Gibeaut
  • Additional: Gord Foss and Gilles Boudrias (identified by Jim Lindner), Clyde McLaughlin and David Hall (identified by Joe McConlogue), Rick McCurdy (identified by David Kellog), Rod Patriquin (identified by Gary Corbett), Jim Lindner (self-identified)

A motion was made and seconded to nominate all nominees – carried.

United 41 (Slide 19)

The availability of the ‘Tiger 60’ documentary has been confirmed. The Saturday evening speaker has backed out due to a medical issue, but Jim feels screening the film will require the whole evening.

United 42 (Slides 20&21)

Jim has scouted out a location in Charlotte, NC for United 42 in 2025 and highly recommends it be pursued. Draft budget reviewed. A motion was made and carried to approve this location for United 42. Jim has draft contract documents and will finalize them with the hotel.

Action Item – Jim to finalize contracts for United 42.

Car Donation (Slide 22)

Preliminary investigations into the potential legal issues of the Club accepting a car as a donation have not highlighted any significant roadblocks. Tom Erhart warned there might be issues at a detail level – for example Pennsylvania has specific rules about financial transactions related to gambling-type activities that other states might have too. This could affect us if we attempted to auction or raffle the car to reap the financial benefit. David Kellogg is continuing to investigate.

SUNI VIII Update (Slide 23)

– No recent progress. Location is likely to be in Missouri.


Rootes Archive Donation (Slide 24)

After a short discussion it was decided to wait until after United 41 to make a decision on a donation for 2024.

Lord Rootes Individual Awards (Slide 24)

Jim organized the production of keeper plaques and badges for the awards for the recipients for the past 2 years. A motion was made and carried to pay Jim for his out-of-pocket expenses of $212 to accomplish this.

There was some discussion about how to manage the engraving of keeper plaques and producing and installing the yearly plates on the main trophies (recently the recipients have done this themselves). No approach was chosen, but Joe McConlogue suggested whatever procedure was implemented should be documented in the Procedures Manual.

New Banners (Slide 25)

There was some discussion about acquiring new banners with the new TEAE International logo, but it was ultimately decided to keep this in mind for action sometime in the future. Tom Erhart has a couple prototype banners that were made – he will send them to Robert Jaarsma for use at United 41.

Action Item – Tom Erhart to forward TEAE International banners to Robert Jaarsma.

Hilton Rewards

Jim stated the United 42 hotel will be offering reward points for the rooms booked and paid for by the Club, and asked if he could personally accept these points. All agreed he could.

Special Appreciation

Bill Bulpitt stated how appreciative he was of all of Jim’s efforts in support of the Club over the past several years, in particular the work involved in organizing recent Uniteds. Everyone was in agreement – thanks very much Jim!

Meeting Adjournment – 8:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gary Corbett
TEAE Secretary

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