TEAE Annual General Meeting: 2024

15 August 2024

President Jim Lindner called the meeting to order at 6:45pm.
Approximately 55 members were present.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of Annual General Membership meeting held 23 September 2023 were approved.

Treasurer’s Report 

In summary the club is in a good position financially with a profit for each of the past few years. The membership dues only cover the cost of publishing and distributing the newsletter, so it is important that the yearly United generates additional income.

Membership Report 

The Club currently has 525 memberships. The payment processing service Stripe is now being used instead of PayPal – their rates are better.

Webmaster Report

To reduce the mailing costs for the Rootes Review newsletter there was some consideration given to mailing the printed version only every two months, but the Board ultimately decided not to do this.

Kerch is looking for members to provide unique content for future newsletters. ‘How I Got Involved in Rootes Cars’, ‘Rootes on The Road’, and ‘My Other Classic Car(s)’ are topics of interest. She thanked the Regional Representatives for their regular articles.

Jim noted the posts and responses on the website Forum have recently increased, and expressed his appreciation for member’s participation.

Facebook Report

The Club Facebook page has almost 2,000 members worldwide, and Club members contributions are greatly appreciated. Many users are not club members although Jim regularly requests people join the Club. The August 2024 Rootes Review will be posted there to provide more insight into Club activities. 


3 Year Plan

Only three items remain to be completed on the 3 Year Plan initiative. 

  • The first item is Bylaw revisions – to create two more Director positions for a total of nine, and to create a Procedures Manual on ‘how to do things’ which will be separate from the Club Bylaws which will define ‘what needs to be done’. A motion made and seconded to accept the revised bylaws. It was unanimously approved.
  • The second item is revisions to management of the TAC Program – this remains to be done.
  • The third item is Club Regalia and finding a service provider to manage it for the Club. Kerch has investigated Redbubble with whom she has had some good experiences, and will continue to pursue this initiative.

2024 Elections 

There have been numerous nominations for the Director positions and there are nominations for the Treasurer position, but there are none for the President nor Vice President positions. Jim called for nominations from the floor but none were made. Nominations will remain open until 1 November 2024.

Jim reiterated to the audience of the importance of the President position, and stated how much he enjoyed being President and being the face of the Club. It also provides an opportunity to set the strategic direction of the Club and start new initiatives in support of that direction. He highly encouraged someone to take it on, supported by five other past presidents who were in attendance.

United 42

The Board has approved Charlotte, North Carolina as the location for United 42, to take place 18-21 September 2025. The Embassy Suites hotel will be the venue, and there are lots of interesting local attractions to visit. Planning is underway.


Planning continues for the next SUNI event in 2026.

Rootes Archive Donation 

Donations will be solicited at the banquet and a check sent to The Rootes Archive from TEAE.


The Board is looking into purchasing banners incorporating the new Club logo.


The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.

Respectfully submitted
Gary Corbett
TEAE Secretary 

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