Conversation about RACT

Meeting with Andy Bye from Rootes Archive Centre

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on November 21, 2020 at 2:06pm

Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke

Eric Gibeaut offered his proxy for any voting to Barb Geschke

Also present: President Jim Linder, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue and Andy Bye of the Rootes Archive Centre.

Regional Reps: Gary Corbett, Ron Stein, Tom Matowitz and Brian Marks

Andy Bye gave a report of the status of the Rootes Archive Center including plans for the future of the building, the documents, and a bit about the website.

Five years ago a building was purchased for 180K£. At this time about 6.5K£ remains to be paid off. Going forward there will be an annual operating cost of about 4K£.

The museum has received several national awards for excellence.

There was discussion about what sorts of activities volunteers are currently undertaking.

There is concern about Archive Center liability issues for drawings released into the wild, so drawings will only be released to clubs.

Attached is the correspondence between Andy and TEAE as well as the questions and answers posed regarding what RAC is requesting, what the club supporter program involves and our questions to him.

After Andy left, it was moved, seconded that TEAE should be a participating club in the Rootes Archive with a donation of $1200 made before the end of this year.

There was some conversation about where that money should come from. Perhaps we should publish one fewer RootesReviews next year. No decision was made on that.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue

Board Meeting to discuss SUNI profit and loss sharing

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on June 20, 2020 at 3:02pm.

Board Members were present: Sy Block, Tom Calvert, Eric Gibeaut, David Reina, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke

Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue and SUNI rep. Joe Parlanti

President Jim Lindner presented the proposal of the SUNI “Steering Committee” outlining the profit and loss sharing the six Sunbeam clubs.

Regarding income from the event:

  • SUNI fund covers all up-front payments, deposits and event expenses and is reimbursed from event income 
  • Any remaining profit is divided among the participating clubs according to number of attendees from each club.
  • Based on survey results TEAE could potentially receive 40-50% of any profits

Regarding losses from the event:

  1. Losses due to operating expenses (food and beverage, tours, travel for VIP guests, autocross, event administration) will be covered entirely by the SUNI fund held for the purpose by Buck Tripple at the bequest of Max Pahmeier.
  2. Penalty for unused hotel rooms short of required number will be shared by the participating clubs based on the number of paid members of each club. The TEAE share in this is approximately 35% (assuming all six of the clubs agree to participate in the risk and reward) (See example of fee in the PDF of the slides from the meeting). TEAE risk could be in the range of up to about $2000.

In discussion:

The hotel is less than 30 miles from Kansas City so additional hotels would be available if there is an over sale of rooms.

Historical point: Tom Ehrhart reported that in the beginning each of the participating clubs kicked in $2 per paid member to cover the initial costs for the setup of the event.  Because of the existence of the SUNI fund, (approximately $21,000) this is not necessary.

Motion: TEAE accept the SUNI proposal as presented regarding the profit and loss of the event. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously

Motion: Execution of the SUNI should be accomplished with the oversite by board of directors made up of a representative of each club. There was no second for the motion but there was much discussion.

In discussion, Jim pointed out that representation by he and Joe Parlanti has been ongoing for the past year plus. He expects that to continue.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:08 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue

Board Meeting:
February 9, 2020

Action Items

  • Jim Lindner and Rob Harter to determine best insurance for the club and buy it
  • Joe McConlogue and Dave Reina to review list of advertisers
  • Sy Block to supply rate card for Volvo club
  • Sy Block to look into new provider of Regalia
  • Jim Lindner to distribute Preservation Class category for further discussion. To be completed before United.
Continue reading “Board Meeting:
February 9, 2020″