BASH Proposal

Guidelines for BASH initiative
Available here as SVG:

These are suggestions Tom Ehrhart made for a short one line banner statement.

Please pick one or make suggestion.
        A. Where Rootes Sunbeams meet   
        B. Your Rootes Sunbeam meeting place
        C. Preserving the Rootes Sunbeam legacy
        D. Preserving all things Rootes Sunbeam
        E. Your Rootes Sunbeam destination
        F. .The ROOTES BASH is on!,
        H. Your suggestion……….

TEAE Representatives BASH Guidelines


Act as the TEAE liaison to promote participation of Rootes Sunbeam owners/vehicles to attend an existing or planned event by another organization.

We call this initiative, a BASH. This is intended to add value to the event organizers by attracting Rootes Sunbeam participation. Events can be a local Cars-N-Coffee or a larger event.

Pre-event: Reach out to event organizers

  • Offer or ask to have the TEAE BASH integrated into their promotional efforts and materials if time allows.
  •  Provide TEAE supported logos/info as needed to organizers
  • Use club provided logos/info
  • In general, TEAE club funding is not available as a sponsor. 
  •  TEAE officers should be consulted if support is needed.

Day of Event

  1. First, be the Ambassador for all things Rootes Sunbeam
  2. Prominently present BASH banner 
  3. Provide club handouts
  4. Interface with event organizers promoting

Post Event

Capture and send action photos of people, cars and activities and stories to the TEAE editor. (NOT just pictures of the cars!)

Trifold Flier and Regional Rep Business Cards

Print your own cards

Trifold club fliers were printed this year and 20 were supplied to each regional rep. Should you wish to print more of those, the pdf file is available here

Print your own cards

I recommend you buy a pack of Avery Printable Business Cards:  #5371
Amazon has 250 cards for $14.32 (as of 3/3/2023)

Download your pdf from the website  (  

Print these at FULL SIZE.. Do not shrink to fit.

Your screen could look like either of these two shots.. or maybe something different.. but you get the idea.

Click the image for a larger view

Newsletter editor

The pattern library shows what text looks like in each of the general styles
The style sheet is posted here

In addition to preparing the newsletter for publication, here’s how to get the addreses in the right places

  1. Download all levels of members from the website
  2. Sort by membership (printed and electronic)
  3. Copy each class to its on page for manipulation. Do not delete the main page in case you have questions.

To prepare for printed mailing

  • Delete columns A-G, N-U, W-Y (confirm contents of Z- admin) AA-AC, AE-AL
    leaving Address1 and 2, city, state,zip, country, expires, admin and display name
    • The printer uses the expires date as part of the first line on the labels
  • Remove Kim and Jason Coleman
  • Make sure YOU are on the list to get the printed version. Looking thru old issues in print is easier than searching thru the pdfs
  • Replace Never with AutoRenew
  • Prefix expiration date with exp.
  • Sort by zip to confirm all addresses use +4 version
  • Make appropriate corrections in the online membership list
  • Save the page as csv and send to printer with the press version of the RootesReview
  • Generally include in the cover note: Total number of names, mention any that need to be hand addressed (to UK), +10 extra copies to membership chair

For electronic

  • Replace Never with a far future date. I have been using 1/1/2050
  • Delete colums A-E, F-U, W-Y (confirm contents of Z-admin), AA, AB, AE-AM
  • From time to time import the first first names of member and joint member for import into Mailchimp
  • From time to time write to people who have unsubscribed and remind them about the electronic version of the newsletter.
  • They must go to to signup again. You can not directly add them to the list
  • Save the file as .csv for import into mailchimp
    • Wnen you import names, add a new tag so you know who should be getting THIS electronc version
    • Generally I copy the last campaign and adjust dates, titles etc before sending.
    • Please note: Our account only allows for 500 names for free. We could carry only the electronic people but I am loathe to do that.
  • Be sure you have uploaded the electronic version to the website.

Webmaster duties

Under Construction

Some technical skills will make this job easier but still it requires attention to details

  1. Maintain the website with appropriate backups and updates,
  2. Ensure that website content is not objectionable to the membership.
  3. Submit to the Treasurer an annual budget covering fees for hosting, domain registrations, plugin licenses, and other third‐party applications.
  4. Manage contact from membership when the site doesn’t behave as expected. Interface with Dreamhost, the site host, when appropriate.
  5. Interface with Membership Chair when problems arise.
  6. Provide guidance on any updates to the website design and functionality.
  7. Add new content either suggested by a member or found by the webmaster.
  8. It would be VERY helpful if the newsletter chair would provide to the webmaster at least one story per month for publication on line.
  9. Prepare a list of programs, plugins, and any other password protected content. This should NEVER be emailed. Make sure that whoever you give this to is not likely to go in and mess about.
    1. Ensure that one other person, known to the board, has access to log in the club websites and password protected sites mentioned above
  10. The Forum is hosted on the website and administered by members with administrative FORUM rights. [expand]
  11. Annually confirm the forwarding addresses of Regional Reps and Board Officers at Dreamhost. Make sure Board members and Leadership members are added to the discussion list hosted at Dreamhost.
  12. Mailchimp RSS for updates to to which in turn goes to Confirm that the right people are on that list in Dreamhost panel here:
  13. Upload via FTP newsletters provided by other clubs and update the TOC lists on appropriate pages
  14. Upload via FTP RootesReview to the website and update the TOC page to include links there
  15. FTP members only files are stored
  16. Update winners of club awards, location of United.
  17. Prepare online United Registration forms. Using a previous version is a good place to start.
  18. Prepare online voting ballot
  19. Publish on line bios of people running for positions as well as the on line ballot
  20. Publish the results of the election
  21. Update the leadership here: and include the expiration date of board members.
  22. A great deal of support is required to manage the membership program, PaidMembershipsPro. There is excellent support offered by the company, but you must be able to understand and carry out their instructions.
  23. Style for RootesReview is one word and in italics

Annually after the election

Update the forwarded mail and discussion groups to include new people

Update the leadership mailing list/discussion list in Dreamhost

Confirm board and reps are tagged in Mailchimp

Update the expiration dates of officers and board members: Table 57 and 58

Domains we own
teae.org3/16/202417.99 3/23/202317.99

General expenses

The ones Kerch pays for are also used on other client sites so TEAE does not have to pay for them. If Kerch gets hit by a bus, someone will have to pay

companyannual feeskerch pays forexpiresnotes
zoho$12.727/17/2021for MAIL TO
dreamshield (malware protection)$119.96in 202329.99 each for 4 sites domain names$143.92for 8 domains (see abve) hosting $240 7/1/2025paid for 3 years $17.162/25/2025For the domain name -
Kerch currently pays for theseIf Kerch dies these will have to be paid for by the club
cleantalk anti spam plugin$811/12/20233 year payment$1478/4/2021THIS MUST BE SIGNED UP FOR IF I DIE!$107/1/2022$1497/20/2021adds many options for payment and registratoin forms