Category: Bylaws
Bylaw and Procedures 2024 drafts
These changes were approved by the Membership at the Annual Meeting on August 16, 2024
One of the action items from the 3-Year Planning Committee was to update the club bylaws and to extract items which could be better handled in a Policies and Procedures manual.
Revisions to the bylaws must be approved by vote of the membership.
But Procedures, such as how late membership renewals and other housekeeping activities are handled, do not require membership vote, only approval of the board. It is intended that this written document will help in transition of new leadership.
In support of this project and in preparation for the meeting, please review the three documents below:
- Summary of Changes to the Bylaws. (This is easier to digest)
- Revised Bylaws
- Draft Procedures Manual. This is very much a work in progress and will require input from several others in the leadership of the club.
Procedures Manual
Proposed Bylaws Changes
Click the link below to VIEW the document. Download button will download to your computer