Motion to extend the term of the Treasurer


The TEAE bylaws state officers are allowed to serve four one year terms,
consecutively. Rob has reached his term limit and unfortunately we have not
received any nominations to run for this position. The Treasurer position is
critical to the club and cannot be left unfilled. I have spoken with Rob and
he has graciously volunteered to run again. I will include an announcement
regarding the vote on this emergency provision in the October Rootes Review.

The following motion was made by email and seconded:

I move that Rob Harter be allowed to serve a fifth term as Treasurer as an
exception to Article IV (6) of the bylaws.

The motion was marked as passed 12:32pm September 29, 2021

Semi Annual Board Meeting: July 31, 2021

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on July 31, at 3:06pm

Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke, Sy Block, Eric Gibeaut, Dave Reina

Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue

Regional Reps present: Gary Corbett, Tom Hillmann, David Kellogg-Achin, Ron Stein, Joe Parlanti, and Gordon Foss

Download or view the file here

Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted.

United 39 Approval request

Gary Corbett, Ron Stein and Gordon Foss (hereinafter: the Committee) presented a plan for United 39 to be held September 16-18, 2022 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada (south of Toronto).

Room rates are $245 US ($120 Canadian) and will include breakfast. The hotel has 147 recently renovated rooms total and 300 parking spots. It is used to holding car events so there is plenty of room for trailers etc. Jim and the Committee will work out an appropriate number of rooms to block for our event.

This event is the same weekend as the Toronto Film Festival and shares the weekend, and our concours, with British Car Day, the largest gathering of British cars in North America. The event regularly has 1000+ cars on display plus around 9000 spectators.

British Car day will handle the Popular vote judged by the attending public for the ENTIRE FIELD. TEAE popular vote categories will be added. Normal judging will be done by our judges on our cars.

There was a long conversation about the Autocross which the Committee hopes will be managed by Darrell Dimitroff. Details are still being worked out.

Additional information about the location including a conservative budget is included in the slide deck beginning at slide 3.

Passports have been required for US citizens traveling into Canada for some time. That will not change.

Work must be done to facilitate people bringing parts for sale into and out of Canada.

Jim reported that there is no penalty for skipping the 2020 planned NC event.

It was moved and seconded to approve the proposal by the Committee for United 39 to be held September 15-18, 2022 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as shown.

It was noted that without the United, the club is dangerously close to losing money each year and driving the balance into the red.

If the United is not planned to make a profit, then either membership dues must be increased or the printed newsletter should be eliminated. There was NO DECISION ON THIS TOPIC.

Membership Report

As of today membership stands at 513 (a slight adjustment from the slides)
Additional statistics are available in the slides posted here.

Website report:

Statistics for RootesReview, Facebook and Website visitation are available in the slides.

Kerch reported the need for a new email list for leadership and board members. This is due to new regulations of the hosting company which manages our mail. The addresses that go to an individual titled board members and regional reps (president@teae.. Etc) will continue to work. But the group emails that contain more than 10 addresses will cease working August 1 (or thereabouts). Leadership (which includes Board members) will get mail from and reply to mail to These emails will “reply all.” A similar list will be separate and added for the Board members. That has not been set up yet. Only members of the groups will be included in the distribution. It is not open to the public or other members.

Additional reports:

Joe Montcalvo reports that he is planning a survey about Holbay Alpines in the US. There is a similar survey taking place, and specifically for, UK cars. He will work with Kerch to produce a survey to be hosted at and which will be the basis for an article on the subject. Hagerty Driver’s Club magazine may be interested. More information on slide 23

Old Business

Paid advertising has unfortunately petered out.

SUNI update

Plans for the event continue. If masks become required for indoor use, TEAE will not be the enforcing body. That falls on the hotel.

TEAE members registrations are about 43% of attendees representing our share of the profits. As the hotel is fully booked there is no additional chance of loss.
There is an unbudgeted expense in the overwhelming number of requests for trailer parking. Space will be rented from a local shopping center.

Concours judging will follow the TEAE rules except that three judges will judge each car rather than dividing the activity along section guidelines.
Upcoming Membership meeting will be held during the SUNI event.

2021 Elections:

Treasurer Rob Harter has served four years in the position and so is not eligible to run again. Kerch nominated Barb Geschke for the position. She declined. President, VIcePresident and Secretary agreed to run again. (Kerch will be happy for somebody else to take the job!) The three year terms for Tom Calvert, Eric Gibeaut, and Tom Ehrhart will expire and need to be filled. All three agreed to run again.

Additional nominations will be solicitated during the general membership and through the September and October RootesReveiw. Ballots will be published in the November RootesReview.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:01pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue

Semi Annual Board Meeting: February 21, 2021

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on February 21, 2021 at 1:05 pm

Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Eric Gibeaut, Dave Reina, Sy Block. Barb Geschke came late

Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue

Regional Reps present: Bill Bulpitt, Gary Corbett, Tom Ehrhart, Eric Gibeaut, Tom Hillmann, David Kellogg-Achin, Joe Montcalvo, Joe Parlanti, Rob Roy

Slides from the meeting are posted here

Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as shown.

Beginning balance January 1, 2020 was $17,660.12  Year end balance was $17,988.19. Particularly noted was the $345 income for advertising. Year net: $328.07. Profit and losses for the last 3 years was reported and is included in the slides attached. See slides for details

Membership Report

The slides show 497 members which is down 17 from August of last year. But currently we have 503 members. 34% get electronic RootesReveiws; 66% get printed copies.

Joe McConlogue shared the membership numbers from the last 5 years showing a fairly consistent bouncing around 500 members. Joe also reported that the last of the old two-year memberships have been replaced with the new single year plan.


A report was shared regarding the costs of printing the RootesReveiw by quarter reflecting the number of pages per issue. It is noted that 12-page issues seem to fit more in line with the income from memberships. Effort should be made to hold that line if possible.

Website report:

Average website visits seem to have dropped by about 10%.


Membership in the group is growing and engagement remains high.

Total membership in the Facebook group is 602 with 311 posts made in 6 months between 8/1/ and 2/1  (about 50/month). In the previous 4 months, there were 236 total  (about 59 / month)

The Susquehanna Region’s Virtual Rallye had 14 members signed. But only 3 participated.

Old business

Regional Rep Reports

Bill Bulpitt (Metro Atlanta) reported an upcoming British Car Day in Catersville, GA where a new auto museum is being built. He expects to have a regional showing at Road Atlanta and Amelia Island.

Joe Parlanti (Chesapeake) reported on June British Car day and a plan for Drive with the Sunbeams later in the season.

Joe Montcalvo (California) is working with Rick at Sunbeams Specialties to put on a joint swap meet in the fall. He also suggested we feature Rick McLeod and Curt Meinel in RootesReview member spotlights. This was enthusiastically approved.

Tom Ehrhart (Susquehanna) noted that no plans were set for the BASH, Tom Calvert advised that Sumra Manning contacted him about holding it at the Simone museum.

Dave Reina suggested that Regional Reps be asked to send regular reports of goings on in their region for publication in the RootesReview. These should be short, couple of sentences, with pictures if available and talk about the people in their region and not about upcoming car events. Dave will contact the reps regularly to encourage participation.     


J.C. Taylor will continue to be our insurer. Premium $1068 annually due March 19, 2021.  No objection. Treasurer Rob Harter will look into other companies over the next year. Grundy and Condon-Skelly were suggested.


Advertising seems to be a bust. 13 packets were mailed, 5 distributed by email. Followup is required. David Kellogg-Achin volunteered to help with followup phone calls to companies that have been contacted by email or by USPS

SUNI update:

Tom Ehrhart noted that SUNI is pronounced as “sunny”

 September 13-17 Hilton Garden Hotel, Independence, MO
Key target dates

  • Apr 1  Registration Opens
  • June 1  Date we must commit $$$. Will evaluate expected attendance and COVID conditions
  • Aug 14 Last date to cancel and reschedule for 2022

Tentative schedule and possible invited guests were shared. See slide #20-21

Preservation Class

Jim Lindner shared information for purchasing bumper badges  from Rallye Productions and Quality Lapel Pins.

Joe Parlanti questioned the fee quoted by Rallye Production and volunteered to send the last quote he had to Jim for further conversation.

Because we don’t know how many of these may be required, it was decided that we purchase them on an as needed basis, likely in the $20-30 range rather than invest $550 to purchase a supply.

Tom Ehrhart asked that Jim confirm that the material used in manufacture be weather proof.

New Business:

Rootes Archive Donation

When the $1200 donation to RACT was approved last year, we discussed ways to recoup that money. The primary suggestion was to eliminate one issue of the RootesReveiw. General consensus is that that is not a prudent option.

It was suggested that we send a quarterly email appeal to the membership requesting donations be sent to the club to then be sent to RACT in a lump sum near the end of the year.

Because of the way the membership software processes payments, there is no reasonable way to manage donations there. Discussion will continue on this idea.

It was suggested that we look into getting the club to be designated as a 501 ( c ) 3 charitable organization. While in general it was deemed to be not feasible requiring bylaws and articles of incorporation changes, Joe Montecalvo volunteered to send the bylaws of a Volvo club he  is a member of for review of the possibility of this changer

United 39 (2022)

It has been hoped that the 2022 United would be held in Canada. There are mixed reviews of whether people are excited about going or apprehensive of the cross border crossing. Gary Corbett agreed to think about it and talk to Ron Stein and hold open the idea. But he did not sound confident. He reported that Canada has much stricter rules around the COVID quarantines.

United Chairperson Courtesy

Barb Geschke suggested that registration for the United Chairperson should be free. This passed easily by consensus.

Printed Roster 

Joe McConlogue proposed producing a printed roster.  However, with a cost exceeding $2000 this does not seem feasible at this time. Kerch reported that there were only 73 unique page views in 6 months.  Kerch also shared a screen to show where the roster is now available on line.

Membership Incentives

Regional reps should make calls to lapsed members. Personal contact is the key. Joe McConlogue will distribute appropriate lists to the reps to include the date of their expiration.

Parts sales via TEAE website was just nixed!

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05

Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue

Conversation about RACT

Meeting with Andy Bye from Rootes Archive Centre

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on November 21, 2020 at 2:06pm

Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke

Eric Gibeaut offered his proxy for any voting to Barb Geschke

Also present: President Jim Linder, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue and Andy Bye of the Rootes Archive Centre.

Regional Reps: Gary Corbett, Ron Stein, Tom Matowitz and Brian Marks

Andy Bye gave a report of the status of the Rootes Archive Center including plans for the future of the building, the documents, and a bit about the website.

Five years ago a building was purchased for 180K£. At this time about 6.5K£ remains to be paid off. Going forward there will be an annual operating cost of about 4K£.

The museum has received several national awards for excellence.

There was discussion about what sorts of activities volunteers are currently undertaking.

There is concern about Archive Center liability issues for drawings released into the wild, so drawings will only be released to clubs.

Attached is the correspondence between Andy and TEAE as well as the questions and answers posed regarding what RAC is requesting, what the club supporter program involves and our questions to him.

After Andy left, it was moved, seconded that TEAE should be a participating club in the Rootes Archive with a donation of $1200 made before the end of this year.

There was some conversation about where that money should come from. Perhaps we should publish one fewer RootesReviews next year. No decision was made on that.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue

Board Meeting to discuss SUNI profit and loss sharing

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on June 20, 2020 at 3:02pm.

Board Members were present: Sy Block, Tom Calvert, Eric Gibeaut, David Reina, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Barb Geschke

Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue and SUNI rep. Joe Parlanti

President Jim Lindner presented the proposal of the SUNI “Steering Committee” outlining the profit and loss sharing the six Sunbeam clubs.

Regarding income from the event:

  • SUNI fund covers all up-front payments, deposits and event expenses and is reimbursed from event income 
  • Any remaining profit is divided among the participating clubs according to number of attendees from each club.
  • Based on survey results TEAE could potentially receive 40-50% of any profits

Regarding losses from the event:

  1. Losses due to operating expenses (food and beverage, tours, travel for VIP guests, autocross, event administration) will be covered entirely by the SUNI fund held for the purpose by Buck Tripple at the bequest of Max Pahmeier.
  2. Penalty for unused hotel rooms short of required number will be shared by the participating clubs based on the number of paid members of each club. The TEAE share in this is approximately 35% (assuming all six of the clubs agree to participate in the risk and reward) (See example of fee in the PDF of the slides from the meeting). TEAE risk could be in the range of up to about $2000.

In discussion:

The hotel is less than 30 miles from Kansas City so additional hotels would be available if there is an over sale of rooms.

Historical point: Tom Ehrhart reported that in the beginning each of the participating clubs kicked in $2 per paid member to cover the initial costs for the setup of the event.  Because of the existence of the SUNI fund, (approximately $21,000) this is not necessary.

Motion: TEAE accept the SUNI proposal as presented regarding the profit and loss of the event. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously

Motion: Execution of the SUNI should be accomplished with the oversite by board of directors made up of a representative of each club. There was no second for the motion but there was much discussion.

In discussion, Jim pointed out that representation by he and Joe Parlanti has been ongoing for the past year plus. He expects that to continue.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:08 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue